Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Resignation from Adulthood

Here's something I found at Media Education Foundation, though even that is not the original source...I've read it before, but in light of current entries here, it seemed (sad, but) relevant:

"Today I submit my resignation from adulthood. I decided to go back to being six years old. Today, I want to believe that candies are better than money because you can eat them. I want to leave my home without worries, put down my guard, and not be afraid of the sound of silence. I want to go back home for a nice hot meal. I actually want something to eat. I want to hug my parents. I want to help them both. I’m not sure what has happened, but somewhere along, I matured. Someone forced me to grow up.

Maybe I have learned too much. I have learned about pain, about sickness, about death. I’ve learned of a world where they know how to hurt and they do so. Today, I want to go back to knowing just about colors and fairy tales. It was then that I was truly happy. Today, I would like to believe that there’s no weapon more powerful than a smile. I wish to go back to trusting grown ups. I want to believe that anything is possible, and go back to being six years old. Today I am eight years old."

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