Thursday, October 05, 2006


So, this Foley guy is making all the news for his indiscretions lately. Yes, he held an important public office. Yes, anyone practicing such behavior needs to be held accountable...

...but for my money, I have issues with the fickle American media and consuming public. Soon, unfortunately, the Foley scandal, like others before it, will be yesterday's news and will likely be swept under the rug.

And, shouldn't we hold all our elected representatives accountable for more than their sexual follies and perversions? Why is it that we aren't all much more attuned to every elected official's participation in PAC's, lobbying tom-foolery, and their every-day voting on every issue? Why is it that C-SPAN has such dismal ratings (and why do the meetings have such low attendance ?)?

We get in an uproar when an occasional individual gets caught with his digital pants down (or someone takes an extra dip in the cookie jar) but sometimes, it seems to me, we should be equally passionate about less morally-charged indiscretions which are much more likely to affect our every-day lives.

I am the worst offender. I don't know who's who or what their up to, presently. However, I did have a good discussion with a former state representative last weekend, and I'm about to embark on citizenship! He suggested (for us in Kansas) to start with the League of Women Voters as an unbiased, informative site. I've got it bookmarked, and I'm going to gather a headful of knowledge. With that, I hope to be able to vote intelligently.

Join me, won't you?

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