Thursday, February 15, 2007

Let's Go for a Power Walk, HAL...

Okay, so the story broke last June...I heard of this today on Paul Harvey (dating myself by listening interests)...
As early as 2008, Hybrid Assistive Limb, HAL 5, a robotic exoskeleton will be on the market, available to the consuming public.
According to Prof. Sankai, Univ. of Tsukuba: "HAL has the hybrid control systems which consist of the autonomous controller such as posture control and the comfortable power assist controller based on biological feedback and predictive feedforward."
Generally speaking, the Japanese are more forward thinking and concerned about the elderly, for Japan’s population is aging faster than any other developed country while its birthrate is decreasing.
HAL 5 will increase mobility for that aging population. Here, we have the Hoveround.
For my money (currently estimated to lease for $500 mo next year) I'd rather be hopping around wearing this snazzy 47lb exoskeleton. Like the advanced robotics currently used in industry, this little number can increase one's strength, too.

Looks amazingly like a Storm Trooper's outfit, doesn't it?

I can't help but consider the possibilities. It is being developed in Japan under altruistic will mobilize the elderly. It will help caregivers better lift and manage the disabled they serve. I would like to think that as research continues, it might some day help those who have never walked to someday tapdance. (Presently, it is somewhat dependent on motor functions and electrical impulses that the paralyzed do not generate.)
Heck, I'd like to have one just to buck bales, chop down trees, even just to sport around in to flex my mechanical muscles. I'd like robotic assists to keep up with my children as they will surely outpace me, all-too-soon.
Of course, the technology is being similarly developed for frightening military applications...but I will leave that to the imagination.

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