Tuesday, December 09, 2008


Don't I have anything better to write about than the weather? Not today. It's the first true snowfall of the year here, and I'm giddy. While I welcome every season change (that's why I stay here) I seem to be especially nostalgic when it comes to winter snow. I suppose it's got something to do with all the holiday clap-trap. I'm sure there's more being made of it all in my mind and memory than ever in reality...

I can remember scaling a snow drift that allowed easy access to the roof of our shop. I can still recall watching the weather man (on a black and white television) moving felt stick-on's that represented fronts, high and low pressure--all very technical sounding stuff by today's standards--and waiting for him to even hint at a snow day. I've been in my share of snow ball fights, built many-a snow fort, made a few snow angels. Having grown up in the country, we also were known to ride old pickup truck hoods as sleds behind the tractor. We used to come in from the cold to stand (on one foot, then the other), dripping, shivering over a floor furnace--warmth never felt so good!

I've been fascinated with what wind can do to snow. I'm sure it can sculpt sand and even stone over time--but snow drifting is glistening, sparkly and temporal. In eastern Kansas, where the wind is wimpy, I've been amazed at how snow can pile six inches high on a fence post.

I'm documenting all these warm-fuzzies, for I know there will be days this winter when I will curse the cold and snow. Today, however, while it's all fresh in my mind and new for the season, I rejoice!

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