Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Here it comes....

Yes. I like this video a great deal both as a parent and educator.

I really included it for the song, today, "La Breeze" by Simian.

What's coming? Can't you feel it in the air tonight? Hold on...it's Spring Break! Why does that matter? If you are asking, you are not in academia. Spring Break is just a week in the midst of things, but what a welcome relief if offers! Whew!

Real-world workin' folk don't relate. "Geez, teachers, you only work 30 weeks a year anyway, so how's it that you need a week off after only running 8 into the new year?"

Well, aren't you Ho-diddily-o-lier than thou, asking that!

For me, like the song, pressures are building, tensions rising, everything is building to that moment, this term, this Friday! Then it's pandemonium, but it's all pleasure. I won't crack a book, may not even log into my classes. I'm going to garden, travel, fix stuff, farm--everything I couldn't do in the last entry of lamentation!

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