Wednesday, February 09, 2011

White Out

Why the blog blackout? Two weeks w/o a post?

I blame it on the snow, the white out. The snow as complicated my life with the burden of snow days. On the work front, that has meant reconfiguring things (takes time). On the home front that has meant playing in the snow, shoveling snow, navigating snow (all take extra time). Snow has amplified the cabin fever everyone in my house suffers from, too.

Thus, all these other factors have overwhelmed my time remaining for blogging, reading blogs, catching up on bookmarks, organizing my computer files, etc...

...and now, another snow day!

Let me clarify: I am not unhappy about a snow day. No way!

So what--I have spent time differently. It's a way I spend time in the winter that is exclusively a winter investment. Nothing to be grumbling too much about, especially when this summer I'll be battling weeds and swiping sweat from my eyes.

Snow is fun, even when shoveling it. Perhaps this is that it remains a novelty here, compared to MN or somewhere that it is a 6 month long hardship.

Not everyone gets a snow day, so yet again, I am grateful for my line of work. 3 months off in the summer, a month off in winter, a week off for spring break....and a snow day now and again! Yippee for me (and my fellow educators, who know that all this 'time off' is not really, entirely 'off' too often).

I'm going to embrace this day like I do leap day, consider it a bonus, something even more special than vacation or weekends or the rare 'personal' day. I'll do somethings differently today, and I'll hope to make the most of every moment.

Hope it snows where you are, and that you, too, can make this day special.

1 comment:

Diedre Archer said...

What a great perspective! I wish I could take a snow day. Online courses have many awesome benefits, but I must confess that snow days are just another work day. So, I break the monotony by creating a hot-tea creation and sip it with my Andes Creme De Menthe Thins that my husband bought me yesterday. Mmmmm... leaping, jumping, and twirling in the snow I am. Life is good. Life is what we make it! Let it snow!