Thursday, June 02, 2011

Pooped Parent

It's hard striking a balance, being all things to all people. I had no idea how much harder that might be for an involved parent. I'm an engaged parent. I'm into attachment parenting. I guess I'm overly into my kids, but they are already showing signs of not-such-kidness. It's painful.

Anyway, today I worked from 7-11 on the hen house project. Then I went to the YMCA to chaperon the kids at swim lessons, then we did lunch and the play place. Then it was back to the hen house, then supper, now debriefing in all my accounts, etc.

The thing is, I don't find myself having much energy, ever, to be all I want to be to/for my young'uns. I wish I could invert my schedule somehow and work evenings or something when I was too pooped to care. Then I could give more prime time attention to those who matter most--family.

Meanwhile, I am thankful for summer, when there really are more hours in a day. When it's winter, days are so short, but in summer, we have much more elbow room...especially since we're not really into curfews.

Oh well. I guess I'll just try to do better tomorrow.

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