Tuesday, May 04, 2010

A Year In Review

...that is, 365 blog posts and counting!

It's taken me years to get to this point, having launched my blog in 2006, but I am happy to report that I've finally posted the equivalent of a year's worth of daily entries. (Pathetic in a way, but hey, I'm still sluggin' them out.)

Don't judge too harshly, for I also keep several other journals and such, so this really is about 1/3rd of my personal writing. It's just the most public venue I maintain.

I will hopefully learn to hyperlink all the references to other posts via blogger tools so that they all open in new windows. I'm working on that. Meanwhile, for now just right click and select how you want these to open up. (Once I get them linked up, that is.)

So, categorically (which I admittedly did not start really tagging until more recently) I have most posts in Family and Belief. Since having kids, I've learned much more than I could post, even if I did so conscientiously every day. I have tried to offer some insight for others, and I've posted some issues with parenting, too. I've shared some of my more intimate moments of parental pride, as well. My two favorite entries in the category are "Turn off the Moon" (in which my 3 yr old was camping and annoyed by the moonlight) and "I don't know the words," (where my 7 year old was at a loss for words and I was marveling over that.)

I have shared a number of issues and beliefs that I've been compelled to vent. Well, usually vent. Sometimes it's a belief/amusement, like my very first blog posts about dentists or my speculations on this or that. Consider my lamentations about being a "Tree Slayer" for example.

I have a great interest in technology, and I have to admit it is not done justice by my blogging (though this passion is more accurately reflected in my bookmarks and surfing habits). A couple of favorites of mine have been over such diverse ideas as RFID, cloning my dog, and the Social Media Revolution.

As I review the "year's worth" of entries I am pleased to see content ranging from my first car to pirates and zoot suits. I have captured both highs and lows in life, from funnies of my kids to tributes to missing dearly departed folk. There is one major omission in my blog, and that has been to share more about its most faithful reader, my boon companion and wife. I hope to rectify that oversight in the near future. I guess I don't write about her here because it would be so mushy.

I hope folks who are newer to my blog will take time to poke around in to the past posts and write a comment or three. I would love to interact more with you all.

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