Thursday, March 29, 2007


How do they do it? Those single-parent, two-job, full-time students out there who also keep a clean house and feed their kids decent homecooked meals and still have time for friends, hobbies, and a life--they amaze me.

I am barely (just barely) keeping my head above water, and I can only do that by coming in to work at 5am or earlier. Even so, I cannot manage time well-enough for friends, housework, hobbies, etc... I'm not accomplishing much. I'm not working on my novel, my future plans, my home businesses, etc. I'm about the worst friend one can imagine!


Great Odin's raven! Son of a bee sting! By the beard of Zeus!

I've done time studies on myself before, cumbersome yet revealing documenting of my every mintue of every day for a week--all in an attempt to find where the time goes and how to get more of the wasted moments. I've read of how many hours we spend over a lifetime opening mail, waiting at stoplights, etc... I know I am burning my clock right now, blogging instead of something others might find more constructive...but I just do not get it! I marvel at you, busy and productive people of the good life. I could learn a great deal from you.

I've written about time many times in this blog, mostly lamenting the inability to capture it, preserve it, rewind it a-la "Click." I've expressed concern that my boys are growing too fast and that mortality is sneaking up on me in cleated hiking boots. None of this has changed much of anything in my favor, however. I guess at the very least, I'm somewhat aware of what's happening, and as with most problems, awareness is a first step toward changing things.

It's not that I'm ambitious. I'd just like to be average.

Other folks have a job, family, clean home, life, friends, hobbies, etc. I want it, too!

1 comment:

John B. said...

This may say more about me than my students, but: I have on occasion gotten very emotional as I think about my single-parent, two-job, full-time students. And they often haven't been "average" students, either. I feel inadequate by comparison (like you, I have a book in me to write, too--heck: I have classes to prepare/teach/grade for, too).

I think, though, that the only people not worried about Time's winged chariot are those who are utterly content (for good or ill) with their station in life. Our mutual discontent is a good thing, take it all around.