Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Internet Confession

Recently at an instructor's meeting I confessed (as part of an ice breaking activity) that my secret passion was for the boundless world wide web. While not openly scoffed or scorned, I could feel others' evil eyes upon me. I could almost hear them plotting to have me removed from the room.

Maybe it wasn't the best venue to make such a confession. Others were passionate about Jane Austin or tagging butterflies.

Truly, I do find the Internet to be fascinating. I never tire of it. As it has evolved over the last ten years or so, I've been drawn in further and further, to the point I now feel lost without it. The latest discovery I have made which only enables my addiction is: google bookmarks. I had favorites and bookmarks on four different PC's, plus I'd saved them as a html file from other PC's that had crashed, etc... The bookmark tool allows me to compile them all in one handy spot, right on my igoogle page. (I'm sure this is not a new invention, that there are others on the market that may even be better, but it works very well for me!) Now I have full access to all my favorite sites.

I think one reason I like the web is that it is arranged something like I think. I know we all think by association, that there are linear connections and constructs, but folks claim I have this odd way of riding several tangents at a time. This is, similarly, how I poke around the Internet. Thank goodness for Firefox (and now IE) tabs, too, for I can have two or so browsers going, with several tabs each, and flip back/forth. These explorations of the Internet are beyond surfing, which seems so much like a surface sport; they are more like riding dividing torpedoes in the deep sea. I lose all track of time, and when I do surface, I get the bends.


John B. said...

Hello, colleague and fellow blogger.
For what it's worth, my sense of the moment in the meeting you describe was different: perhaps more of a polite tolerance of your trendy eccentricity. ("Ah, yes, the Information Superhighway--I've heard of that. But will it still be around in 10 years?" That sort of thing.) But I'm on your side in this. Despite my blog, I wouldn't call myself especially "passionate" about the Web, but I am a whole lot less dismissive of its potential (especially, it seems, since I started blogging, thus enhancing said potential (ahem.)).
Anyway. Best wishes to you for the new semester. Maybe you and I can be a sort of consciousness-raising cabal on behalf of the 'Nets in the department. Waddaya say?

dejavaboom said...

Agreed! I don't plan to take one for the cyber team, but I will continue to admit I find great potential in all-things digital. Glad to know you are of the same mind. I think Dr. LC-K, who also teaches online, might share our enthusiasm, eh?