Tuesday, November 25, 2008

King me

I don't know why this iconic character has such an effect on me. I read a study on BK's King, and the gist of it was that it conveyed a sassy and bold, humorous and vivid image that appealed across demographics.

There are some of these commercials that just wig me out, like Waking up with the King. Others are mildly amusing and do not traumatize me psychologically.

The King is so popular that Halloween masks have been made in his likeness. Websites adore him and sell his merchandise. I have reported sightings of him on billboards, buses, television, etc...

I even have a bobble head of him in my office.

I wonder what it says about our culture that we find this character so... so... interesting? curiously engaging? off-beat and hip? What IS it about the King?

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