Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Toward a more perfect Union

So I've been at this institution for about four years now. In this course of time I've been lucky enough to participate in the planning of this new student union, which had a ribbon cutting/grand opening today! My role was tiny, just conducting surveys in classes and offering input and doing a few walk throughs along the way...but actually being inside it today, full of folk--priceless!

I was reflecting with a colleague on how some of our finest memories of our college years were spent at the Union. It was a time to really get to know a professor as a person, to sometimes dive deep, sometimes go off the charts entirely. It was a place of fellowship and (for me, all too often) intense study.

I also must confess I spent my entire student loan there on pinball.

Today, I am feeling all warm and fuzzy, happy from head to toe, for I think this facility is just what this college needed at this site. I am going to hold a number of my office hours over there, and I hope to have some moments with my students like I once had with my profs.

Oh, and for the grand opening, they had some great finger food, too! I never missed any college function serving food, back in the day, and I've never been disappointed at the food served at this college, ever!

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