Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why the Y?

I pledged to attempt fitness again this year, and today I took another step in the right direction. In spite of everything being closed due to horrible weather and roads, I attended my meeting with my trainer. It was scary showing up, but I did follow through.

Next, another meeting with the trainer in a week, but I should try to get in there sometime in the meantime. (If I don't, I fear dependence on his mentoring.)

Why the Y? The El Dorado one, at that? Well, it has all the equipment, and classes, and trainers, and a pool--all at a fraction of the cost of one of the upscale gyms around here. I wish I knew why anyone would go anywhere else...maybe there's some prestige or pecking order to it? The El Dorado Y has our family's needs at heart, including homeschool PE and remedial swimming for me.

The big question is: will I stick with it? Will I flake out, like most "resolution types" who are joining up these days, only to drop out in March...? I guess time will tell.

Maybe offering this public chronicle of my efforts will keep me accountable some, too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I loved the ElDorado Y.
I had not trouble sticking with it, I loved it.
Did have trouble affording it though, so I let it go. Now I just do P90X at home. But I liked the y better.

As ye think so shall ye be... so think healthy, I want to exercise thoughts. :)