Wednesday, April 06, 2011

I'll admit it...

Guilty Pleasure, a confession

Okay, I liked Britney since she was on Disney. I turned a blind eye toward her, like one might a deer they'd hit on the side of the road, when she was in her slump.

Now, however, I am in her camp again. I have this thing for underdogs, for those who have been beaten down but rise up again to do great things. Robert Downey Junior comes to mind.

Charlie, are you paying attention? Someday I might be able to root for you, too!

Okay, I admit Spears isn't going to end homelessness or bring world peace...but hey, she's back on her feet, dancing, having fun, it seems. She's recovering from all that the media did to her (and all she brought on herself). Yes, she's still likely owned by corporate media, but as a person, I hope she's off on a positive, fresh start this time. I hope she eclipses herself, that she (somehow) makes Michael Jackson and Elvis seem like mashed potatoes and milk. I am her champion, now, and I guess I'm not too afraid to admit it (at least here on this little blog that no one reads). :)

Go ahead and watch her newest video....You know you want to!

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