Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break

Spring break...It ends up being time that's slowed down to reveal all the many things I've not been tending to due to the harried pace of the rest of life. I like these breaks (hey, they are breaks) for they give cause to pause and reflect. I do not know how I would ever regroup or improve without them.

Not all my life's breaks have had this behind them, but I'd say they have over the last ten at least twenty reflective breaks or so....without the life/schedule I lead, I guess I would be much worse off than I am. Then again, reflection is not action. Neither is intention action. I have reams of well-wishing, good goal tending, all that fell fallow. I least I was that mindful, even some twenty-five years ago, that I wanted to get better, do better, do more, be more...whether I've really applied myself or reached much of all that--at least I did take aim once in a while.

I wonder if its like muscle memory. Had I not taken aim, never gotten in the mode of it all, would I utterly lack ambition. I seem to see a lot of people who have absolutely none. Is that what happened to them? Did they never pause to reflect, aim to improve?

All this aiming seems too often to come to so very little (see recent posts) but at least, I guess, I try.

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