Friday, December 25, 2009

White Christmas!

I'm documenting it here and now, for in Kansas, it's hit/miss. Today is truly a white Christmas. It looks to be about a 4 inch snowcover out there. I'm thrilled about it on every count, 'cept shoveling.

The kids are very excited to play in the snow (though today it may not get over 20 degrees).

I hope we can get some great pictures of the snow-covered property before everyone arrives and tracks it up. There's nothing quite like a pristine snow.

I don't know why snow on Christmas means so much, maybe it's all Bing Crosby's song (?) but I do know that it's not the same w/o snow. On those barren, brown years, the holiday is less...something. Snow, however, makes it magical.

(I'm also happy that I was able to put my vehicle in the scraping, ready to go!)

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