Monday, July 27, 2009

First Day

TODAY was my son's first day out of the house for school--he's homeschooled. In the summer, we enrolled him in "kids' college" so he can continue socialization and hob nobbing with his peer group. He's been in swimming lessons, but we were always shore-side, just in case. Now, today, he's been dropped off alone, and I'm on pins and needles. I know he will fare well, but it's such a transition (likely more of one for me than him)!

I can only vaguely recall my kindergarten year, being dropped off and left alone by my parents at school; however, we were with our car pool cohorts, so that was easy-enough. My boy is a-l-o-n-e...

I can distinctly recall being dumped off at a dorm for college. As I remember it, the tires squealed as the car careened away, parents waving out the windows. It was the most lonely day in my life.

I hope my boy never feels that.

1 comment:

Gaia Gardener: said...

Hard as it is, I think that one of the most important things you can do as a parent is to teach your children how to handle adversity, including how to deal with loneliness and how to "stand on their own 2 feet". Unfortunately, you can't teach those sorts of lessons without them (and you!) having some uncomfortable times, including feeling alone, even abandoned (although you know they haven't really been). You are there as a safety net and to help them figure out different ways to cope, if the way they chose at first didn't work for them. Keep up the good work.

To mangle a quote, "There are 2 important things we give our children: the first is roots, the second is wings."