Tuesday, August 05, 2008

A Romp on my Land

Tallgrass Prairie

At long last, after over two (2) years of living there, I've finally found an expert who is willing to help me learn what's on my land: Bob Broyles, steward of Birds, Bees and Butterflies Nursery. I'm especially excited, for he is a xeriscaper, a naturalist, and shares my love for native plants and places (like the Konza Prairie). This past weekend we spent three hours roaming the property, taking pictures (forthcoming) and identifying flora. I learned a great deal, and I have ever-more appreciation for the land I'm on.

For great pictures of Kansas prairie, check out Judd Patterson's work.

1 comment:

John B. said...

Hey, colleague. It's good to see you posting again.

I'll be most interested in hearing more about virtual kindergarten and what you learn about your land. I think I've said this to you before, but it bears repeating: one of the greatest gifts my father gave me was a knowledge of and love for the land we lived on when I was growing up. I envy you.