Friday, June 11, 2010

For Sale

We're hosting a garage sale today/tomorrow. I often forget the feeling of letting go of little pieces of my life/past. I go to garage sales too often without regard for the feelings of those selling their things. I am just seeking a good deal.

Today, however, on the other side of the table, I'm blue. No good reason, god knows we have too terribly much stuff. We need a good purging. It's just that with every departing toy, book, knick knack...I feel a part of me goes with it. Maybe it's because of the way my brain is wired. It's like setting your laptop to minimum power usage settings. I tend not to remember much without a prompt, whether it's a picture, a journal entry, or some thing in hand. The rest of my brain is entertaining thousands of things, and the memories are all just on idle...but when I pick up the bull head salt shaker or the snoring goofy collectible, then lots of things come back to me.

I will try to be more respectful of others' goods when I frequent their sales next time. I will also remember how much stuff we have and resist all but the best of bargains.

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