Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Tour del Soul

Wow, it's amazing how much one can pack into 24 hours if a little effort is made. We just returned from a whirlwind 24 hour family vacation. We visited with 'family' from our former work place and community, revisited the place we exchanged wedding vows, and toured 6 parks in that area for the kids. Listed like this it may not sound like much, but with 4 kids in tow, believe me, it was challenging (and expensive).

The tour was, however, priceless. We got to see people we've not touched base with in nearly 10 years. Sure, you can swap a clever witticism on Facebook now and then, but to break bread with friends, to introduce them to your family...well, it was a trip beyond words for my wife and I. Downright trippy!

I know it was good for the kids, too, for my eldest (7 years old) claimed it was the best day of his entire life.

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