Tuesday, March 08, 2011

To Do List

So, friends, it's almost spring. For some, that means sweeping the porch or cleaning out closets. For me it means gearing up for gardening. We are mapping our garden out this year being conscientious of sun patterns, of irrigation, and of....chickens.

We are going to build a hen house, fence in parts of the garden to allow chickens, other fencing to thwart chickens from scratching up and destroying tender young plants.

I've long admired the full-blown chicken moat (promised to build last summer, but...chickened out). It's too ambitious and too expensive for me right now, I think.

I am all about using found/available materials, and it so happens I have many hog panels and a good long run of chain link fence (albeit, only 3-4 ft high) that I could employ. I have a great little out building that would make an awesome hen house and garden supply shed, but I don't know if it can be relocated (might be easier to build new).

So much to do, so little time.

I seem to be one of those people who's always overwhelmed, even when there's seemingly nothing to do. I recall a time in life when there was nothing undone, nothing to do, when I could just kick back and bask in the limbo of nothingness. I wonder if one ever, ever gets caught up any more. ???

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You only get caught up when you are too damn lazy to do anything.