Monday, January 02, 2012

Things I learned today

Frozen shrimp grouped neatly on a circular serving tray would make a great weapon--my wife asked me to break the arrangement up, and I grasped it only to learn all those little pointy shrimp tails were ever-more firm and lethal when frozen in position. It was like grabbing a cactus.

Working with play-dough, I was able to craft many things in 3D. I think I'm a frustrated 3D sculptor with no training, no context, just a simmering passion for it every time I encounter it in a museum or piddle with anything 3D, myself, in person.

My son tells me it's possible to swim in syrup--this from Myth-busters.

I liked hanging out with my wife (sewing) and 3 of my kids (engaged in crafts ranging from scrap booking to performing plays with cut out pirate figures). I was working on some online work alongside their very rambunctious ramblings. All five of us were in a 9x12 room, but we fit comfortably and had a great afternoon together.

1 comment:

Lora said...

Sometimes I think we could live in a 2 bedroom apartment and be just fine...sometimes all the space seems wasted...other times, I need many, many more rooms and much, much more space! It really was great to spend the afternoon together like that. We should do it again soon! :)