Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Browncoats--STILL can't stop the signal!

I've made reference to the (short-lived, short-changed) TV series Firefly on more than one occasion at Musement Park. What a series! That show inspired an awesome film, Serenity!

I've downloaded the above to my iPod. I own the 11 episodes and movie on DVD. I regularly "convert" guests of our home to the whole 'verse as treated by Joss Whedon. I subscribe to the fansites, discussion groups, blogs, etc. that still (since 2002) thrive on the Juice of that brilliant creation.

I also have a wish list. I would like some shiny buttons reflecting all the catch phrases of the series/film. I'm also wanting to collect the Blue Sun travel posters of the series. (Those would go nicely in my re-engineered office environs!)

If anyone has yet to encounter these shows, drop everything. Walk out of work or discreetly download an episode when the boss isn't looking. That's all it will take. You'll join with the rest of us.


Damon said...

I agree. I love these shows and the movie. I am just getting ready to finish the 2nd/final season of Joss Whedon's Dollhouse.

dejavaboom said...

Love Whedon's work. I watched one episode of Dollhouse online and was tempted to follow it. Maybe I'll have a selfish marathon of it at work some time. :)
