Thursday, June 04, 2009


Tonight, at long last, my boys and I go camping. It's no big deal, just pitching a tent in the yard, but it's big to them, and thus, it's important to me. I'm writing now, in anticipation of the event, for I am investing all the good vibes into it that I can, in advance.

We will likely have funny struggles setting up the tent. I'm sure we'll screw it up a time or two, even though it's a simple dome/pole jobbie. We won't be any more crowded than we are in our own bed, so that won't be an issue, and we're even taking an air mattress out, so we should be downright cozy. I doubt we'll get the 2 year old to spend the night w/us, for he's a momma's boy, but we may get him inside it a while.

I did not think last year's camp made any impression on the then-two-year-old, Carson, but he's been talking a lot about it lately! One point he brings up repeatedly is that he was trapped inside the tent the following morning. I had to run in the house, so I zipped the tent to keep the bugs out...I did not know the boys could not figure out how to get out, so I was shocked when I returned w/breakfast to hear them both screaming bloody murder! (They do not like being confined!) We put a blanket out for the beagle, Roger, at the door last year, and Carson said we should do that again, so Roger can protect us from coyotes and bears.

We may get really nervy and camp down by our fire pit, which is a good 300 yards or more from the house, off in the dark, in the woods a ways. That would be fun, but I don't know if the boys are brave and bold enough for that (spooky) spot just yet.

I know we'll make memories, and I hope they will be lasting, positive ones. Camping is one tradition my folks never, ever participated in, and I hope to someday make it a staple for my tribe. (We bought a HUGE tent that will hold our whole crew, so I hope to make use of it.)

We'll likely cook smores or hot dogs; we'll likely tell more stories and lies than usual, since I'll have them pried away from the television. We'll surely be cuddled from the cold (well, low 50's isn't cold, but it will feel a bit like it, I'm sure).

I can hardly wait!

UPDATE: Yes, it went very well--we left the tent up a couple days so they could knock around in it. The worst was that one pesky misquito that always seems to get inside the tent!


Anonymous said...

I hope your having loads of fun. We did the same thing with our kids when they were younguns.

John B. said...

Here's hoping the campout was a success. I still vividly remember my first-ever overnight campout with my dad--and his dad, too (it was a "Lad & Dad" campout for Cub Scouts and their fathers). A very good time it was.

On the off chance you might be interested and/but didn't see this, you (and your boys) might like to know that the route for Biking Across Kansas will pass through your area. Here is my post about it; there's a link to a Google Map of the route. But for teaching this Wednesday (when they'll be passing through), I'd find a vantage point on the route and watch for a while, too.