Friday, February 05, 2010


So, yesterday we had a very slow loading Internet interface that could have botched a presentation we were doing. Fortunately, I had made screen capture handouts and my associate was good at pulling up the site on another browser as we forged ahead.

The day before, something similar happened to me in class, when I was attempting to demonstrate some tool of the web-supported class.

The day before that, my iTunes had to be reloaded.

The day before that, my vehicle would not start.

...and last week, a student handed me his cell phone to read a joke, and I almost toasted the phone in attempts to navigate on it. (Ended up at some very interesting pictures before I handed it back to him with a shrug.)

What I'm listing here, what I'm offering is: technology fails. "Epic fail," as the young'ns say today.

I enjoy technological advances. I depend (too much) on them. However, I also know full-well that they are fickle and inconsiderate. They are not always going to serve me, so I should be prepared (like yesterday) for the occasional flight of whimsy. I have come to be okay with technology's temperament.

Now if I could just get my Ever-sharp (mechanical pencil) to work right!

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