Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hand it to Hans

Listening to the soundtrack of Sherlock Holmes by Hans Zimmer. I've praised his work before, but (as the kids say) OMG!!! This soundtrack is so great it should be recognized as a character in the film. Truth is, I'll be jamming to this long after I've forgotten all about the movie (and I liked the movie).

I am no music critic, but this soundtrack has full blown orchestration at times, like the Batman soundtrack Zimmer is known for: moving, haunting, heavy and forceful passages of sound/music that loom then dive, sweep me through (in this case) the seedy side of London right up into Parliament! Tense moments are strained out on a single violin note, and then the violin morphs into a rollicking gypsy/Irish jig. I am shaken and stirred by the blast of brass, followed next by a driving pounding of strings and drums that makes me panic!

Gadzooks! It's hard to image some people don't like music. This one will be on my internal iPod all day long.

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