Monday, February 01, 2010


Why can't you just go away!

Since Thomas Etheredge is on trial at last for his financial wizardry, every hour on the radio I hear about it again. Every time I drive down 135 (which is almost daily, it seems) I am reminded of it--for the sign with that stupid cowboy is still there!

My 3 year old son and I spent many hours laboring over a coloring contest that led to naming this stupid cowboy, and not only did we lose that contest, we lost the whole park. (We were going to name him "Hickory Slick," but the name they chose was "Wild West Willy.) He's never forgotten being let down so harshly by the closing of this park. In ways, I take some blame, for I really hyped it up. We bought season tickets, in person, on the grounds, the first day one could purchase them. I was totally suckered in, so very much so that I still would like to think that Mr. Etheredge may not be such a bad guy.

Nevertheless, it is so very painful to be reminded daily (hourly) of a dream never to be fulfilled.

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