Friday, April 30, 2010

Difficult post

I have lots of acquaintances, few friends. I think they should rename "friends" on Facebook to something more like Linked-In's "network connections" or whatever. To truly be friends with someone in real (not cyber-) life, I think one can only manage a few least that's my situation.

Back in the early 1990's (that sounds funny to say), I had no family, very few friends, and I was a workaholic. The best decision I ever made back then (and it took me 3 full years to reach this decision) was to become a big brother through Big Brothers and Sisters. I was matched with a witty young man, Kyle, and together we forged a great relationship that evolved into one of my most longstanding friendships. He survived my crazy job and a 100 service projects I did. He waded through my bad relationships, bad hair, bad moods--all with a smile. He was in my wedding. He helped me fix up my house. We worked some on his house, too. He was gone for too many years to California, to the Navy, and then (thankfully) returned to Kansas with his lovely wife. They continued to be a big part of our life, as we celebrated everyone's birthday and holiday. We carved pumpkins and hid Easter eggs. I've always looked forward to the day when they have children, so I can be a part of those moments with Kyle and his family. I'm easily old enough to be his dad, so in ways, I have a bit of the Big brother to Fatherly feel to our friendship, especially right now...

Kyle's about to be deployed.

Okay, that sounds more immediate than it exactly, technically may be. He is now closing up shop, cauterizing things, getting life reconfigured, moving his family (wife and pets) to California, making lots of life decisions like whether to sell his house...and he's going through all the red tape and poking/prodding/prepping of the military, too. He will take to the field, the theatre of war, whatever you call it, physically in Afghanistan.

Okay, that sounds more ominous than I would like it to, but that's the problem. It is ominous. There is not another venue in which the US is engaged that is so volatile and deadly. And that right there is where I have to leave off on this public post and go burn some angst in my private journal. *sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That really stinks.