Friday, April 23, 2010

Stirred, but not shaken

So, I have had a bad morning, and it's only 7am.

  • My daughter woke me up with terrifying screaming. She's a good backup alarm. Even though she let loose before 430, that was late for me today.
  • I had to take an alternate vehicle, which I did remember to do, but in all the key switching, I left my keys at home...discovered when trying to get into the building just after 5. Had to drive home again and retrieve keys and return. (oh...and it's 25 miles one way)
  • Somehow in all that, I lost more than an hour and my Quick Trip coffee.
  • Now, I discover that somehow our campus email system is dysfunctional.

HOWEVER, fates, let it be known that this is Friday, the invincible day we thank our gods for. This is the END of the work week for average mortals, and it's raining (which I love) and I'm introducing the best essay of the course...add to that it's my early day off and everyone will be gone from the house leaving me time for "me time" which I should spend grading but will probably waste shopping for lumber. So there, rotten day. Take that.

Song lyric on my internal iPod: "It's a great day to be alive"

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