Thursday, January 07, 2010

Almost Over....sigh

Now THIS is a topic is one I revisit after every semester. I've been wondering why, so I thought I'd speculate...but first, the topic: I always feel such great regret at the end of a break. I get all bummed out, realizing that the time has past, that it cannot be redeemed ever again. It's gone. This sentiment makes me really value freedom, but as with too many things, I tend to only truly appreciate the value of things only when they're gone.

So why does this get so hyper-inflated at the end of breaks? Likely because I realize every break how very lucky I am to even have breaks. I know my friends in other career paths have paid vacations (that sounds nice!) and that they scrimp and save their days off to preserve such time. I am granted a month in the winter, potentially three months in the summer, and a full week for spring break. That's a great deal of time that I get which most others do not get. That makes it a treasure, and thus, I need to respect this gift of time and make the most of it.

Do I? No. I make impressive to-do lists, I attempt to invest quality time into family and friends, to do a little something for myself along the way...but I never really get everything done. I never take exotic world tours, island hop, or take a train around Europe.

I do, however, invest a lot of time into the kids and the property, and during these nasty cold breaks, into the interior of the house. I still see clutter around every corner, and I still cannot count the number of projects yet to do, but I have made a dent in it all this winter break, and I'm pretty content, overall.

I have 4 days left, and I think I'm going to take the boys to Pump it Up once, eat out a time or two, and generally poop off the time having fun.

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