Monday, January 04, 2010

....since 2006!

Four solid years of blogging. I started Jan 6 of '06. That's hard to believe. I just did a little fishing through the archives and was amazed that I'd written some of those entries so very long ago (seemed like this year). Time is so very relative, so fleeting.

I discovered in my review that I likely haven't said much of importance, and that I've likely said much the same over and over. In that regard, it would be best to hang up my keyboard and do something else with my time.

However, it does help me to articulate thoughts and to document my life and times. It does help me to reflect, overall, and to appreciate where I've been and where I see myself (and others) going.

In 2009 I kept the challenge of adding at least one entry to my blog per monthly total; that was respectable. In 2010, I am not sure what to do or what to expect of myself. I think, maybe, I really should grow this or blow this off. I might take on the task of rolling out this URL to more potential readers, haunting and lurking on other sites to further push traffic here. I don't know. It's not like I need a big audience or anything.

Perhaps a better goal is to become more transparent. For many years I've been reserved in my blog and not revealed too much about family, home, etc. Maybe this is the year for that, regardless of what critics and doomsayers may offer. Maybe it's time to let my digital hair down.

I think, in all fairness to my students, I should at least write 3 entries weekly, as I require of them.


John B. said...

Good morning and happy new year to you and yours, Deja. And thanks for the kind comments on my post on Avatar.

As you know, there for a spell my blogging ceased (I still have to resume posting over at the bike blog), and on those occasions when I'd think about regular readers and my depriving them of new posts, I'd have to correct myself: No, I'm blogging, ultimately, for myself, for whatever pleasure(s) it brings me. That anyone else happens to enjoy it as well is gravy . . . but I do confess that the fact that other people enjoy it is also one of those pleasures. Still, it has to be fun for me, or else no one else will enjoy it. Then it becomes a job, and I don't see keeping it up as a job.

Sorry about all that. Consider the above as a long way of saying, post what you want, when you want. We'll follow along.

Lora said...

Sometimes it's the only way I know what's on your mind! I like reading your zany ideas and I would like to read your family ideas...just write and those who want to read will read! (And I'm sure your students would like to see the three entries from you as you require of them - it's not like you don't have that much to say!) :)