Tuesday, January 26, 2010

RUSTED ROOT RETURNS (well, returnED some time ago)

I am always the last to know anything! My favorite band released a new album LAST MARCH. People are always asking me what I like to listen to, and while I like lots of music, I thrive on this band, and you will, too.

Check out their myspace page...give ear to some of their music, like a incredible cover of Elvis' "Suspicious Minds" or go to their website and check out everything!

Why are they the best? They have a very dynamic sound, lots of complicated and moving percussion, intriguing lyrics, curiously engaging vocals--such texture I cannot describe it! Go there! Buy their stuff! See them on tour! I was fortunate enough to catch them some years back in Lawrence, KS. What I wouldn't give to see them again, now that they are back on tour.

1 comment:

Lora said...

If we see them again, can we do it without the extra smoke?! I will give you this - they are a unique sound and I mean that in a good way! :)