Monday, January 18, 2010


What's with this fog? My son tells me fog is clouds on the ground, the result of high moisture content in the air and some peculiar pressure thing--but I'll have to ask my buddy Matt, who's a student of meteorology, for the skinny.

Today on the radio they reported the fog was the worst it has been all year, that visibility is about 100 ft. I was out driving in it and can attest that it should be slow going. I could not see from one utility pole to the next. How would anyone have the nerve to attempt to pass in these conditions? (I was passed twice in a 8 mile run; I was doing the speed limit.)

I have been in worse fog. Picture this, a frazzled me, six students and no map (before the days of the Tom Tom and cell phone). We were lost, off schedule, after driving around the clock, finding ourselves in Pennsylvania. Fog was so very bad at times one could not see 30 ft. Truth. We finally gave in and slept in the parking lot of a motel (too poor for a room) until the sun came up to burn off the fog.

Fog is good for...nothing. It doesn't provide any particular moisture for crops. It's not especially pretty like snow.

Fog...du-duh....UGH....what is it good for? Aaaaabsolutely nothin' ...say it again!

1 comment:

Hevin Killman said...

I agree, this fog is a little bit ridiculous. My boyfriend and I drove to Kansas City this Monday to do some shopping around and on our way up there it was around 1:00pm and it was extremely foggy. Then it was even worse on our way back. Hmmmm... fog is worthless!
